The Illegal Trade Of Wild Life Around The World

In this web page you will discover all the work that had been done in the project that twelve graders 2010 of Liceo Taller San Miguel had realize during this third period of the scholar year. How it had been evolving and how it gives rewarding results.  This work not only benefit us, other people like visitors of this web page will get informed of what is going on behind the normal economic activities of all continents around the world. The finality of our mission is to wake all the spectators’ attention, to create a conscience on what are animals suffering in this moment, and to make them think a about this situation.

The project started on July 17en at English class, where we choose the theme and the dynamic of the work. We made an election based on the main topics that were going to be studied during this term. Based on the Quest book, there were choose democratically two topics; International marketing and endangered species. We decided to join both ideas and base our project on a new idea: endangered species’ international black marketing.    There were assigned seven groups of three students, one group per continent. They were responsible of finding, and researching information to realize a report of the allocated continent, in which some essential subjects should be included: endangered species of the continent, the story of the trafficking in the area, the hot spots of trafficking in the region, how is the situation in the place at the present and all the economics that occurs behind the story (prices, countries evolved, the technique they used to traffic, between which countries is the trade, etc…). Not only groups were assigned, also the roles and the responsible of the organization and the creation of the web page. 

So now, is time for you to get started in this amazing web page, discovering and learning , to extend your knowledge and to be able  to criticize the situation and create your own position.  

Roles and responsible: 
Web administrators: Laura Guzmán, Ángela Morales.
Editorial: Miguel Ángel López, María Andrea Ramírez.
Managing: Daniela Maya

Africa: Melissa López, Juanita Jaramillo, Sara Aguirre.
North America: Manuela Garcia, Nathalia Cardona Gomez, Sofia Buitrago.
Oceania: Juan  Jose, Paola Iza, Nathalia Cardona Hurtado.
South America: Maria Jose Lopez, Alejandra Zuluaga, Margarita Zuluaga.
Europe: Santiago Gil, Manolo  Florez, Mariana Rios.
Asia: Catalina Mejia, Cynthia Gonzales, Manuela Zuluaga
North and South Pole: Juan Sebastian Espitia, Valentina Ballesteros, Maria Alejandra Pinilla.