
How would you feel if people were picking you, burning you, killing you?

 If you are reading this is because you care about animals that are almost the same as you. It is also because you want to get information about the black market of animals and how can people affect the world doing such a cruel and insane thing. 

Since the beginning of humanity people have said that animals do not think, that they do not have feelings. In some way that could be true, but not to get to the point where you can do nasty things. So, let`s ask ourselves something: If it is supposed that we have to act right with other human beings similar to us, why not to act correctly with animals that keep in order the equilibrium of earth? 
There are a lot of bad people on earth that just want to increase panic and do bad things to animals. Animal trafficking is one of the ways in which people can do this. It has increased dramatically over the last decades and it is becoming a big problem to humanity. 

There is not a single continent in which people do not traffic with animals. From Oceania and its hot spots as Australia and New Zealand with their rare and exotic animals, passing through Europe, Asia, Africa, The Poles and North America to South America and some of its most common animals as the Titi monkey, Scarlet Macaw, Golden Marmoset and the Hyacinth Macaw that live in the Amazon. 

There are a lot of animals that are being used to “gain” money. There has been a lot of news about it and it is something that governments are dealing with. But there are also some people that are protecting animals and doing the best they can to make the black market of animals decrease until they get to zero. 

You would see in this page economics, dates and pictures of one of the biggest economies in the world: Illegal wildlife trade.